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Juniors > Juniors Points Awards

Junior points awards 2020


To qualify for the scheme the triathlete must be a club member.


1. For every training session attended the athlete is awarded 500 club points, currently the Saturday and Wednesday sessions.


2. There is an additional award of 500 points for every five training events attended.


3. The athlete is allowed to play two holiday cards, each worth 250 points.


4. 100 Coach’s points are awarded to each of the following categories at training sessions

  • Improved technique: drills, efforts, time trials, knowledge

  • Demonstrate good effort

  • Behaviour and attitude that demonstrates being a good team player or maturity to fellow athletes.


5. The athlete wins club points as per the regional junior series rules with the best four counting towards the club points score.


6. Competition points can only be gained if the triathlete enters as a Mansfield Triathlon competitor and therefore gains club points for the club (as per the series rules).


At the end of the year we could have an array of awards - most overall points, most competition points and most training points.


For 2020 season the following awards at the

annual Club Presentation Night at the end of the year:


  • Junior Triathlete of the Year – this will be based on weekly training points, holiday points and competition points, but not coach’s points.


  • Coach’s Award – this will be based on the weekly coach’s points only


  • Junior Competitor of the Year – these will be based exclusively on points picked up during the annual East Midlands Children’s Series races.



There may be times when individual juniors are not available for training, but they would still like to come along to the Saturday sessions to help out. Therefore, training points will be available to any junior who, although not training, comes along to help the coaching team, for example with setting up, timing etc. Each junior member will be allowed three such weeks each year, worth 250 points per week.



Good luck and begin collecting your points

2018 presentation Night winners.jpg
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